
With GoSalon you earn commission on all hair and beauty products bought by your clients through Amazon. We build you an online shop, stack your digital shelves and you are ready to start earning. There are no set up or membership fees, our services are completely FREE! Join now and earn effortlessly from product retail. […]

Make money when you are closed

Did you know that Every Hair & Beauty Pro that used GoSalon during Lockdown made money. “How?” They did it like this –1. Shared a link from GoSalon to a social media post, email or SMS message.2. Client’s click on the GoSalon link & bought the product they needed in 10 seconds.3. GoSalon user received […]

Make space in the salon – create a smart wall!

I hope you are all keeping well. I wanted to let you know about the latest developments with GoSalon. You can request a smart wall by using this form. The specific places on your wall have to correspond with the position in your GoSalon. All is explained on this link For years product companies, […]

The power of a deal

This article is about why the idea of doing a deal is so profitable over time. How those small margins compound and become significant over time.

Going Underground!

BE THE FUTURE It’s clear towns are changing and cities are shrinking. But what does it mean for the humble hairdresser, barber & Beauty pro? We are in this weird situation where time is money, money is time and everyone is bitching on Facebook about not having either. Odd. Salons and Barbers have had to […]

Hate being Salesy? Me too.

Why GoSalon removes the need to be salesy! GoSalon links your customer to your favourite product and pays you for the connection. Your client loves it because they are getting the product you use for the internet price. And who doesn’t want to save a few quid?

Death of the session industry.

Why Social Media Algorithms killed the freelance session world. The difference between collaboration and sponsorship & why in 2020 you need to understand the difference. The big hair and beauty brands spent fortunes in the early years of the internet. Quality was the focus and in order to produce high quality content they would use […]

What we have made is MAGIC

It is said 8 out of 10 clients would buy a product from their hairdresser or barber if the price was closer to the internet. Get Product allows that. You can earn a commission by simply recommending a product. Win-Win.

Why Salon Retail is Broken.

What we can do to fix it and why you need to endorse what you love. Customers have stopped buying retail products from salons for two main reasons;1. You have stopped showing them how to do their hair. Show them a technique 2. The price of your retail in the salon is vastly more expensive […]

Why a logo is important.

& why it’s important to stand out on the home screen of your client’s phone.  It grabs attention, creates an impact which leads to call to action goals such as more appointments and recurring sales. As of 2018 – 87% of UK retail purchases made online & 78% of Brits use their mobile phone for […]