41a The Problem with Apprentices

Currently, If a kid joins a salon as an apprentice and earns £100 per week. This is considered family income and low income parents have there benefits adjusted.
If the kids gets educated at a hair college and have no income. The parents don’t have benefits adjusted.

The Great Restart

How do you deal with the great restart? It’s been 5 long months since Salon’s in the UK were unceremoniously shutdown by Boris and Co 5 days before Xmas. It frustrated salon professionals all over the country, Not just because three weeks previously we finished a month long “circuit breaker” but the opportunity to earn […]

GoSalon – The Big Why?

To be future proof. You are here because;  You would like to increase your profit margins. You want to give your customer the best service you can. You are looking to simplify the way you work.   You want to move a piece of your business online. You want to be part of a powerful movement […]

Make space in the salon – create a smart wall!

I hope you are all keeping well. I wanted to let you know about the latest developments with GoSalon. You can request a smart wall by using this form. The specific places on your wall have to correspond with the position in your GoSalon. All is explained on this link https://www.gosalon.uk/smart-wall/ For years product companies, […]

The power of a deal

This article is about why the idea of doing a deal is so profitable over time. How those small margins compound and become significant over time.


This is an article about frugality in the salon. Although not a sexy word, it’s bloody effective during a crisis.

Next Stop, Government* Run Salons.

Power to the Experts. *In order to read this piece effectively feel free to swap out the term GOVERNMENT for any MONOPOLISTIC COMPANY. The result is still the same. “Their way of doing things or else.” It’s no longer Power to the People. The experts in science are today’s influencers. Whether it’s climate change or […]