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Retail GoSalon Style

It seems to me that many of us are out of practice when it comes to retail. Whether it’s because we have not had the time or inclination to pursue a revenue stream from retail or we hate the feeling of being a pushy salesman. Whatever the truth, GoSalon gives you plenty of opportunities to retail to your clients and the following article gives you tips on how to remove the fear and make retail easy for you and your client!

I get it. Who needs to worry about retail when everything we attempt to sell in the salon can be so much more expensive than what our clients pay when buying online.

We did some research and found that 8 out of 10 salon customers would buy a product from their stylist if the price was closer to the internet.

By using GoSalon, Your client is FOUR times more likely to buy your recommended product. GoSalon can cut their cost and your cost considerably. Just by connecting them to your products that are found cheaper on the internet.

GoSalon’s role is, to make retail easy for your clients to purchase your favourite products online.

I have some tips below will give you the confidence to make retail easy for your clients.

GoSalon pays you for doing the things you normally do!

If you have reached this point and have not reserved your business name then you need to click this green button below.

GoSalon bridges the gap from you to your customer to the product of your choice on the internet. The process all starts from your chair with a QR code – Check out my tips below.

How to increase your retail sales in and out of the salon.

AARON DORN’s TOP 5 RETAIL TIPS @aarondornhair

RETAIL Tip 1 – Don’t discriminate

Ensure you have a wide selection of products from each brand or product category. You should have budget items, mid priced items and high ticket items on your shelf. You don’t want to lose sales because the products we recommended are out of your client’s price range. GoSalon gives you the space to expand your inventory so you can always recommend the perfect product for your client.

Why it works
Your customer may be put off by the first product if it’s out of their price range. Then offer an alternative that suits their budget. Everyone would love a dyson hair dryer but a parlux hairdryer is just as good possibly better value for money.

RETAIL Tip 2Use it or lose it.

It’s easier to refer a product to a customer if you use that product on their hair/skin. Use that product on them and leave it in their eye-line. This is an effective method to get them to notice it and make the next move.

Why it works
When they instigate the conversation about products it invites you to pass on your knowledge. Thus creating a value exchange that if they purchase. You will be rewarded for but without being pushy about it.

RETAIL Tip 3Show them how & Give them value.

I hear too many stories from clients about them throwing money down the drain on hair and make up products they impulse buy. Then the guilt hits when that product doesn’t work for them.
Show them how you use the product you recommend and why it will work for them. They trust you for style advice so they’ll trust you with product advice. By passing on your product knowledge you are giving them the benefit of your expertise. This is true value.

Why it works
You send a subliminal message. They ask you a question about a product or they comment on the smell. They want to know why the expert uses this product on them. If they ask you tell. It’s feels a lot less hard sell and more genuine.

RETAIL Tip 4 – Sell to the senses.

The more senses they use. The better the chance you can convert the sale.
When using a product on a customer they can see it. Smell the aroma. Feel it on their skin.

Why it works
Psychology, the more we stimulate the senses more likely they are to buy from you. It’s that simple.

RETAIL Tip 5 – What’s the worst that can happen?

They say no. So, get over it. Do you think a waitress ever stops bringing the desert menu to the table? It’s part of the job.

Don’t let somebody else profit from your work. It’s that simple. 80% of your customers have bought shampoos and stuff for their face, skin and hair. They just have not been buying from you. So stop letting others profit from your work!

Why it works
It’s a numbers game, the more you get used to asking the question the easier it becomes.

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Our clients waste hundreds of £ per year through impulse purchases that they use once and never again. It’s part of our role to save them from wasting their money. Hair and Beauty Pro’s are providing a valuable service. You should get paid for it.

For years product companies, distributors, supermarkets, chemists and the internet have removed you from the loop by selling direct to your customer. Whether that is via Amazon or eBay. It’s time for you to reclaim this vital portion of your business. Using GoSalon means you can sell a product to your customer without having to buy it first!

Just think, no more dead money in products left unsold sitting on the shelves.

Just think of the products you have not been able to endorse before?

That Dyson hairdryer never looked so good on your list.

Direct purchasing by your client through your GoSalon

GoSalon always has your brand up front and centre. We succeed, when you succeed. You are our priority, you can set up your own app in a few minutes and become an influencer in the true sense of the word. Convert more clients. Get paid to do what you normally do!

Next Lesson Learn how to add GoSalon to your home screen

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Making Retail Easy for you & your clients


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